"Hey Fort Smith and surrounding areas! At Buckler Detail, our goal is to provide a comfortable atmosphere and an enjoyable experience for all of our customers. It is important for us to provide professionalism, package varieties and quality in all that we do! Being known for being a business of integrity and referrals by word of mouth means the world to us! Come by and see the difference, where every detail counts at Buckler Detail!" -Brent & Sierra Bryant
As a child, Brent had an entrepreneur mindset. He sold candy on the playground in elementary school and was always building/creating masterpieces. He began working with his family at 11 years old at his family's business, The Popcorn Company in downtown Fort Smith. He also assisted his family with flipping houses to resale. His grandparents were the founders of the first Rescue Mission and Ambulance service in Fort Smith so he was able to see great success as he grew up. Brent graduated from Northside High School in 2009 and went on to UCA with a choir scholarship.
Sierra was always driven to excel in school, not accepting failure well, to the point of crying over a C in elementary school. Her first job at 14 years old was Blockbuster and has consistently worked ever since. She graduated from Northside High School in 2008 and graduated from UAFS in 2012 with her Bachelor's Degree in Psychology. Sierra began working at Orr Auto Park (formerly known as Smith Auto Group) at 18 years old as the receptionist and ended up becoming the Business Development/Internet and Social Media Director, working there for a total of 9 and a half years. She enjoyed being able work with the community and plan fun events for customers and staff.
Ever since The Bryants have been together, their friends tend to think of them as "random." They see it more as determined and open minded. Brent and Sierra began a Facebook business page in 2013 called "Any Way Possible" where they sold African Cichlids (fish) and revamped furniture. They had 6 fish tanks in their 2 bedroom apartment at the time. They were successful in selling these products as well as home decor and custom pieces. Brent can literally create anything and has an attention to detail like no other. Sierra worked on the business development and promotional aspect of their small business.
In 2014, Brent decided to quit his full time job at Valley Behavioral Health to jump out on faith and open Buckler Painting and Repair. He came up with "Buckler" because it is a French word for a shield. In the Bible, it talks about the Shield of Faith being a piece of the armor of God, hence quitting a full time job to open a business is most definitely a leap of faith. That's when the Buckler enterprise was born. Since then, Buckler Painting and Repair has grown significantly. It was a slow process and took a lot of time and dedication to get it moving the way it is now. More than anything, it took Brent's skill, attention to detail and character. He isn't the type to take shortcuts but rather will throw in extra services for free to please his customers. Sierra continued to work at Orr Chevrolet while assisting in the Business Development and Marketing side of Buckler Painting and Repair. The business has significantly grown from repeat customers and their referrals, which is the best way to grow!
In 2016, Brent and Sierra began playing with the idea of opening a detail shop and even bought a building and rented it out for about 6 months. They weren't sure when the next step of opening Buckler Detail would take place. But God opened that chapter sooner than anticipated. The hard work began. While still working full time, Brent spent many evenings and weekends there renovating the building. Buckler Detail opened January 16, 2018 and it has been going strong ever since! We appreciate each and every one of our customers! #whereEVERYdetailcounts
As a child, Brent had an entrepreneur mindset. He sold candy on the playground in elementary school and was always building/creating masterpieces. He began working with his family at 11 years old at his family's business, The Popcorn Company in downtown Fort Smith. He also assisted his family with flipping houses to resale. His grandparents were the founders of the first Rescue Mission and Ambulance service in Fort Smith so he was able to see great success as he grew up. Brent graduated from Northside High School in 2009 and went on to UCA with a choir scholarship.
Sierra was always driven to excel in school, not accepting failure well, to the point of crying over a C in elementary school. Her first job at 14 years old was Blockbuster and has consistently worked ever since. She graduated from Northside High School in 2008 and graduated from UAFS in 2012 with her Bachelor's Degree in Psychology. Sierra began working at Orr Auto Park (formerly known as Smith Auto Group) at 18 years old as the receptionist and ended up becoming the Business Development/Internet and Social Media Director, working there for a total of 9 and a half years. She enjoyed being able work with the community and plan fun events for customers and staff.
Ever since The Bryants have been together, their friends tend to think of them as "random." They see it more as determined and open minded. Brent and Sierra began a Facebook business page in 2013 called "Any Way Possible" where they sold African Cichlids (fish) and revamped furniture. They had 6 fish tanks in their 2 bedroom apartment at the time. They were successful in selling these products as well as home decor and custom pieces. Brent can literally create anything and has an attention to detail like no other. Sierra worked on the business development and promotional aspect of their small business.
In 2014, Brent decided to quit his full time job at Valley Behavioral Health to jump out on faith and open Buckler Painting and Repair. He came up with "Buckler" because it is a French word for a shield. In the Bible, it talks about the Shield of Faith being a piece of the armor of God, hence quitting a full time job to open a business is most definitely a leap of faith. That's when the Buckler enterprise was born. Since then, Buckler Painting and Repair has grown significantly. It was a slow process and took a lot of time and dedication to get it moving the way it is now. More than anything, it took Brent's skill, attention to detail and character. He isn't the type to take shortcuts but rather will throw in extra services for free to please his customers. Sierra continued to work at Orr Chevrolet while assisting in the Business Development and Marketing side of Buckler Painting and Repair. The business has significantly grown from repeat customers and their referrals, which is the best way to grow!
In 2016, Brent and Sierra began playing with the idea of opening a detail shop and even bought a building and rented it out for about 6 months. They weren't sure when the next step of opening Buckler Detail would take place. But God opened that chapter sooner than anticipated. The hard work began. While still working full time, Brent spent many evenings and weekends there renovating the building. Buckler Detail opened January 16, 2018 and it has been going strong ever since! We appreciate each and every one of our customers! #whereEVERYdetailcounts